Missing Something After Migrating to Sermonary 3?

Is this you?

  • You just migrated from Sermonary 2 to Sermonary 3.
  • You wrote your sermon on your laptop and it was amazing!
  • You pick up your iPad to run through your message and login to Sermonary.
  • Hmm... There is content missing on the iPad that was there on the laptop??

Not to worry, simply clear your cache and cookies

If your iPad has an external keyboard, try hard refreshing the page. It often breaks loose whatever is keeping it stuck. Use the shortcut: Command + Shift + R

If that doesn't work, follow the steps below to clear all history and clear your cache according to the internet browser you use.

Click here to clear your cache on an iPad using Safari

Click here to clear your cache on an iPad using Google Chrome

Click here to clear your cache on an iPad using Firefox

Is an old sermon or series missing from Sermonary 2?

You know you had it on Sermonary 2, but now you can't find it on Sermonary 3.

No problem, try this first:

Go to Settings on the left hand side of Sermonary.

Scroll down to "Migrate Options" and click to Migrate & Overwrite.

The process may take a few minutes.

Check your sermon dashboard and the Archive to see if it is now there.

Is it still not there? Reach out to us at Support@Sermonary.com and tell us the name of the missing sermon or series and we will get it for you.

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