How to use the Blocks Editor
In our Sermonary "Blocks Editor," you can split your message into clean “blocks” based on what piece of material you are presenting (Bible Verse, Illustration, Quotes, etc.).
While writing in this mode, you can use a pre-built template or start from scratch to add various blocks for each section of the sermon. Simply press the blue Add Block button (or the small addition sign) to add content and click "Done" when finished.
To edit a block, simply click it. Blocks can be edited individually, as well as moved or dragged from one place in the message to another.
Blocks included are:
- Bible Verse
- Point
- Illustration
- Application
- Quote
- Custom (Users may edit this block as they wish)
- Media Block
A "block" can be picked up and moved to a different area of your sermon simply by clicking on it, and dragging it in the direction you want it to go. When you release the block it will drop into the new location unless you choose to move it again.
Click the (3) three dots to the right of any block to edit, hide, mark for slide, or delete the block.
What happens when you click "HIDE IN PODIUM MODE"
- An icon with a crossed out podium will display next to the three dots on the block you have chosen, letting you know it is hidden.
- Your content will now only be visible when you are editing your sermon. It will not show up when you enter podium mode.
- This is helpful if you are unsure if you want to use a particular part of your message, but you are do not want to delete it yet.
- This is also helpful when adding notes or research that helps your time of study, but is not necessarily part of what you intend to say when you preach the sermon.
- Repeat this process to remove the "Hide in Podium Mode" designation from a block.
What happens when you click "MARK FOR SLIDE"
- An icon with a checked box will appear on the selected block. That indicates that the content of this block (and only the blocks with the checked box) will be automatically exported into a slide should you use that feature in the settings of "Podium Mode."
- Repeat this process to remove the "Mark for Slide" designation from a block.