How to Update Account Information

There is a lot of information that goes into your Account Profile—and as with any account, Sermonary gives you the option to edit that information. Whether you need to change your email, edit your credit card information, or just choose a new nickname, changing your account details is a very quick process.

Account Profile

Accessing your account information is super simple. In your Sermonary Dashboard, click the Account option on the bottom left of your screen. This will take you to your “Account” page and display all the information regarding your account with Sermonary.


Make sure that after you update any section, you hit the Save button save your changes!


User Settings

Your Basic Info consist or your name and email address. Once finished, click the Save button to save your User Settings information.


Subscription Settings

Your Subscription Settings includes your membership tier and billing plan. To update these settings or to update your credit card, click the Manage Subscription button.

Change Password

To change your password, simply type your old password and then your new password. Next, press the Save button.

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