PowerPoint and ProPresenter in Sermonary

How to create slides:

1. Check “Mark for Slide” on each sermon block that will be its own slide.

2. Enter Podium Mode.

3. Go to the settings wheel and select “Download Presentation, then “Download ProPresenter” or “Download PowerPoint,” depending on your software.

If you’re using ProPresenter, open ProPresenter, select “Import” and “PowerPoint,” then choose the PowerPoint downloaded file of your sermon notes.  This will pull them into ProPresenter.


Key sections of the video


Selecting the parts of your sermon that you want automatically created as a slide ("Mark for Slide" feature)


What to do when you want to highlight a part of text in a block for a slide, but not the entire block


How to export your selections to PowerPoint


In addition to your text, search Ministry Pass graphics to quickly add and customize artwork for your slides (only available on Sermonary+ or Ministry Pass: Grow subscriptions)


Reminder to check out our workshop on CanvaPro (see that workshop here)


Demonstration of how to quickly edit a sermon graphic for your slides


How to export your selections to ProPresenter

How to use our sermon graphics:

If you have a Sermonary+ subscription, you have access to all of the sermon graphics on Ministry Pass! This allows you to search within Ministry Pass to find visually engaging graphics for your slides. As shown in the video, you can then edit any text in Canva, then copy and paste the edited slides into your presentation software. 

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